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Lung disease: directly proportional relationship to oral hygiene conditions

Multidisciplinary health has been increasingly discussed and the oral cavity has been highlighted due to the breadth of the index of pathologies that manifest through this. When it comes to lung diseases, some diseases have a direct correlation with the oral cavity, which can exacerbate a pre-existing systemic condition, and increase the incidence rate, such as in mechanical ventilation pneumonia. Furthermore, pulmonary diseases generate possible disturbances in the oral cavity, generating breathing difficulties, dental malocclusion, bone malformations and a downward effect of facial and postural formation anomalies. Therefore, there is an increasing need for health professionals to provide comprehensive patient care, in a constant state of alert for signs and symptoms, in order to treat or refer the individual.

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Lung disease: directly proportional relationship to oral hygiene conditions

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592452203082

  • Palavras-chave: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, lung disease, oral health

  • Keywords: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, lung disease, oral health

  • Abstract:

    Multidisciplinary health has been increasingly discussed and the oral cavity has been highlighted due to the breadth of the index of pathologies that manifest through this. When it comes to lung diseases, some diseases have a direct correlation with the oral cavity, which can exacerbate a pre-existing systemic condition, and increase the incidence rate, such as in mechanical ventilation pneumonia. Furthermore, pulmonary diseases generate possible disturbances in the oral cavity, generating breathing difficulties, dental malocclusion, bone malformations and a downward effect of facial and postural formation anomalies. Therefore, there is an increasing need for health professionals to provide comprehensive patient care, in a constant state of alert for signs and symptoms, in order to treat or refer the individual.

  • Número de páginas: 4

  • Joshua Otto Manica Colussi
  • Helena Pfeffer
  • Stefany Couto Santana
  • Ediana Amanda Piana
  • Gabriela Spanholi Tamagno
  • Andressa Mara Cavazzini
  • Karolina Fernanda Abegg Queiroz
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