Artigo - Atena Editora


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capa do ebook BACURIZEIRO


Padrões Ambientais Emergentes e Sustentabilidade dos Sistemas

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5252004113

  • Palavras-chave: Padrões Ambientais Emergentes e Sustentabilidade dos Sistemas

  • Keywords: Platonia insignis Mart.; Potential; Tree; Native.

  • Abstract:

    Bacurizeiro is a plant native to the Amazon Biome. It has great timber potential, widely used as a fruit species. In addition, it has been used with medicinal food functions, afforestation and even recovery of degraded areas. The objective of the work was to demonstrate all aspects about the bacurizeiro, from the morphological and botanical characteristics of the species, to the propagation, fruiting, handling, production and harvesting of the fruits. Given this, the bacurizeiro stands out for being a species for presenting a multiple potential, mainly being native in Brazil.

  • Número de páginas: 14

  • Edvan costa da Silva
  • Nei Peixoto
  • Léo Vieira Leonel
  • Wagner Menechini
  • Luciana Sabini da Silva
  • Michel Anderson Masiero
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