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O Sphyrna lewini e S. zygaena são popularmente conhecidos como tubarão-martelo. Encontram-se na costa brasileira, em mares tropicais e temperados. O coração dos peixes é um órgão muscular tubular, em forma de “S” que possui duas cavidades: seio venoso, considerado uma modificação das veias cardinal e hepática, átrio, ventrículo e uma dilatação pós ventrículo denominada de cone arterioso. O objetivo do trabalho é descrever a macroscopia do coração de Sphyrna lewinie S. zygaena. Fez-se incisão na vista ventral do tubarão-martelo no sentido cranio-caudal no decorrer da linha alba. O coração foi retirado, fotodocumentado, dissecado e mensurado, com um paquímetro evidenciando o comprimento, largura, formato e avaliando os aspectos dos átrios, ventrículos e cone arterial.  O S. zygaena apresentou formato piramidal e ápice arredondado. O S. lewinii apresentou formato mais arredondado. O coração do S. lewinii apresentou 3,5 cm de altura, medida do ápice a base e 2,5 cm de largura, feita entre os ventrículos na vista ventral. O coração do S. zygaena apresentou 3,3 cm de altura, medida do ápice a base e 2,7 cm de largura. Existe uma diferença discreta entre o coração de S. lewinii e S. zygaena tanto no tamanho quando no formato, não havendo aparentemente relação com o tipo de nado e hábito de vida. 

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.13920210915

  • Palavras-chave: sistema circulatório; tubarão-martelo-liso; tubarão-martelo-recortado; débito cardíaco

  • Keywords: Circulatory system; smooth hammerhead shark; scalloped hammerhead shark; cardiac output

  • Abstract:

    Sphyrna lewini and S. zygaena are popularly known as hammerhead sharks. They are found on the Brazilian coast, in tropical and temperate seas. The heart of the fish is a tubular muscular organ, in the shape of an “S” that has two cavities: venous sinus, considered a modification of the cardinal and hepatic veins, atrium, ventricle and a post-ventricular dilation called the arterious cone. The objective of the work is to describe the macroscopy of the heart of Sphyrna lewinii and S. zygaena. An incision was made in the ventral view of the hammerhead shark in the cranio-caudal direction along the alba line. The heart was removed, photo-documented, dissected and measured, with a caliper showing the length, width, shape and evaluating the aspects of the atria, ventricles and arterial cone. S. zygaena had a pyramidal shape and a rounded apex. S. lewinii presented a more rounded shape. The heart of S. lewinii was 3.5 cm high, measured from the apex to the base and 2.5 cm wide, made between the ventricles in the ventral view. The heart of S. zygaena was 3.3 cm high, measured from the apex to the base and 2.7 cm wide. There is a slight difference between the heart of S. lewinii and S. zygaena for size and shape, apparently having no relation to the type of swimming and lifestyle.Sphyrna lewini and S. zygaena are popularly known as hammerhead sharks. They are found on the Brazilian coast, in tropical and temperate seas. The heart of the fish is a tubular muscular organ, in the shape of an “S” that has two cavities: venous sinus, considered a modification of the cardinal and hepatic veins, atrium, ventricle and a post-ventricular dilation called the arterious cone. The objective of the work is to describe the macroscopy of the heart of Sphyrna lewinii and S. zygaena. An incision was made in the ventral view of the hammerhead shark in the cranio-caudal direction along the alba line. The heart was removed, photo-documented, dissected and measured, with a caliper showing the length, width, shape and evaluating the aspects of the atria, ventricles and arterial cone. S. zygaena had a pyramidal shape and a rounded apex. S. lewinii presented a more rounded shape. The heart of S. lewinii was 3.5 cm high, measured from the apex to the base and 2.5 cm wide, made between the ventricles in the ventral view. The heart of S. zygaena was 3.3 cm high, measured from the apex to the base and 2.7 cm wide. There is a slight difference between the heart of S. lewinii and S. zygaena for size and shape, apparently having no relation to the type of swimming and lifestyle.Sphyrna lewini and S. zygaena are popularly known as hammerhead sharks. They are found on the Brazilian coast, in tropical and temperate seas. The heart of the fish is a tubular muscular organ, in the shape of an “S” that has two cavities: venous sinus, considered a modification of the cardinal and hepatic veins, atrium, ventricle and a post-ventricular dilation called the arterious cone. The objective of the work is to describe the macroscopy of the heart of Sphyrna lewinii and S. zygaena. An incision was made in the ventral view of the hammerhead shark in the cranio-caudal direction along the alba line. The heart was removed, photo-documented, dissected and measured, with a caliper showing the length, width, shape and evaluating the aspects of the atria, ventricles and arterial cone. S. zygaena had a pyramidal shape and a rounded apex. S. lewinii presented a more rounded shape. The heart of S. lewinii was 3.5 cm high, measured from the apex to the base and 2.5 cm wide, made between the ventricles in the ventral view. The heart of S. zygaena was 3.3 cm high, measured from the apex to the base and 2.7 cm wide. There is a slight difference between the heart of S. lewinii and S. zygaena for size and shape, apparently having no relation to the type of swimming and lifestyle.Sphyrna lewini and S. zygaena are popularly known as hammerhead sharks. They are found on the Brazilian coast, in tropical and temperate seas. The heart of the fish is a tubular muscular organ, in the shape of an “S” that has two cavities: venous sinus, considered a modification of the cardinal and hepatic veins, atrium, ventricle and a post-ventricular dilation called the arterious cone. The objective of the work is to describe the macroscopy of the heart of Sphyrna lewinii and S. zygaena. An incision was made in the ventral view of the hammerhead shark in the cranio-caudal direction along the alba line. The heart was removed, photo-documented, dissected and measured, with a caliper showing the length, width, shape and evaluating the aspects of the atria, ventricles and arterial cone. S. zygaena had a pyramidal shape and a rounded apex. S. lewinii presented a more rounded shape. The heart of S. lewinii was 3.5 cm high, measured from the apex to the base and 2.5 cm wide, made between the ventricles in the ventral view. The heart of S. zygaena was 3.3 cm high, measured from the apex to the base and 2.7 cm wide. There is a slight difference between the heart of S. lewinii and S. zygaena for size and shape, apparently having no relation to the type of swimming and lifestyle.Sphyrna lewini and S. zygaena are popularly known as hammerhead sharks. They are found on the Brazilian coast, in tropical and temperate seas. The heart of the fish is a tubular muscular organ, in the shape of an “S” that has two cavities: venous sinus, considered a modification of the cardinal and hepatic veins, atrium, ventricle and a post-ventricular dilation called the arterious cone. The objective of the work is to describe the macroscopy of the heart of Sphyrna lewinii and S. zygaena. An incision was made in the ventral view of the hammerhead shark in the cranio-caudal direction along the alba line. The heart was removed, photo-documented, dissected and measured, with a caliper showing the length, width, shape and evaluating the aspects of the atria, ventricles and arterial cone. S. zygaena had a pyramidal shape and a rounded apex. S. lewinii presented a more rounded shape. The heart of S. lewinii was 3.5 cm high, measured from the apex to the base and 2.5 cm wide, made between the ventricles in the ventral view. The heart of S. zygaena was 3.3 cm high, measured from the apex to the base and 2.7 cm wide. There is a slight difference between the heart of S. lewinii and S. zygaena for size and shape, apparently having no relation to the type of swimming and lifestyle.Sphyrna lewini and S. zygaena are popularly known as hammerhead sharks. They are found on the Brazilian coast, in tropical and temperate seas. The heart of the fish is a tubular muscular organ, in the shape of an “S” that has two cavities: venous sinus, considered a modification of the cardinal and hepatic veins, atrium, ventricle and a post-ventricular dilation called the arterious cone. The objective of the work is to describe the macroscopy of the heart of Sphyrna lewinii and S. zygaena. An incision was made in the ventral view of the hammerhead shark in the cranio-caudal direction along the alba line. The heart was removed, photo-documented, dissected and measured, with a caliper showing the length, width, shape and evaluating the aspects of the atria, ventricles and arterial cone. S. zygaena had a pyramidal shape and a rounded apex. S. lewinii presented a more rounded shape. The heart of S. lewinii was 3.5 cm high, measured from the apex to the base and 2.5 cm wide, made between the ventricles in the ventral view. The heart of S. zygaena was 3.3 cm high, measured from the apex to the base and 2.7 cm wide. There is a slight difference between the heart of S. lewinii and S. zygaena for size and shape, apparently having no relation to the type of swimming and lifestyle.

  • Número de páginas: 10

  • Inara Pereira da Silva
  • Gabriel Nicolau Santos Sousa
  • Gustavo Augusto Braz Vargas
  • Alessandra Tudisco da Silva
  • Daniela de Alcantara Leite dos Reis
  • Marcos Vinícius Mendes Silva
  • Carlos Eduardo Malavasi Bruno
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