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Vivências de uma Iniciação Científica em Fenomenologia: Experiências de Alunas de um Curso de Psicologia

O relato, elaborado em 2016, apresenta a experiência de alunas do Curso de Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Salgado de Oliveira – Campus Niterói, ao participar da criação do grupo de estudo e de pesquisa sobre Fenomenologia e a abordagem psicoterápica Daseinsanalyse, coordenado pela Profª Ms. Ágnes Cristina da Silva Pala. Neste grupo, ocorreram três Iniciações Científicas em 2016, com linhas de pesquisa criadas na Plataforma Lattes / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), utilizando pesquisa exploratória, com tratamento dos dados qualitativos, através de pesquisa bibliográfica. A Iniciação Científica desvelou-se como oportunidade de expansão de conhecimento sobre as temáticas, além de integração dos alunos do curso. Este texto contém depoimentos de participantes sobre esta vivência de produção de conhecimento, desvelando o lado científico de um curso de graduação: apresentação e elaboração de resenhas e de textos; participação em Mostras Científicas e Semana de Extensão. Como modo de atualização deste relato, apresenta-se, também, considerações atuais das ex-estudantes de Psicologia sobre a relevância de espaços de pesquisa em seus cotidianos profissionais.

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Vivências de uma Iniciação Científica em Fenomenologia: Experiências de Alunas de um Curso de Psicologia

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.65720020719

  • Palavras-chave: Fenomenologia. Iniciação Científica. Psicologia.

  • Keywords: Phenomenology. Scientific research. Psychology.

  • Abstract:

    The report, prepared in 2016, presents the experience of students of the Undergraduate Course in Psychology at the Salgado de Oliveira University - Campus Niterói, when participating in the creation of the study and research group on Phenomenology and the psychotherapeutic approach Daseinsanalyse, coordinated by Profª Ms Ágnes Cristina da Silva Pala. In this group, there were three Scientific Initiations in 2016, with lines of research created in the Lattes Platform / National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), using exploratory research, with treatment of qualitative data, through bibliographic research. Scientific Initiation was revealed as an opportunity to expand knowledge on the themes, in addition to integrating the students of the course. This text contains testimonials from participants about this experience of knowledge production, revealing the scientific side of an undergraduate course: presentation and preparation of reviews and texts; participation in Scientific Exhibitions and Extension Week. As a way of updating this report, it also presents current considerations of former Psychology students about the relevance of research spaces in their professional lives.

    The repo
    The report, prepared   

    The report, prepared in 2016, presents the experience of students of the Undergraduate Course in Psychology at the Salgado de Oliveira University - Campus Niterói, when participating in the creation of the study and research group on Phenomenology and the psychotherapeutic approach Daseinsanalyse, coordinated by Profª Ms Ágnes Cristina da Silva Pala. In this group, there were three Scientific Initiations in 2016, with lines of research created in the Lattes Platform / National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), using exploratory research, with treatment of qualitative data, through bibliographic research. Scientific Initiation was revealed as an opportunity to expand knowledge on the themes, in addition to integrating the students of the course. This text contains testimonials from participants about this experience of knowledge production, revealing the scientific side of an undergraduate course: presentation and preparation of reviews and texts; participation in Scientific Exhibitions and Extension Week. As a way of updating this report, it also presents current considerations of former Psychology students about the relevance of research spaces in their professional lives.

    The report, prepared in 2016, presents the
    experience of students of the Undergraduate Course in Psychology at the Salgado
    de Oliveira University - Campus Niterói, when participating in the creation of
    the study and research group on Phenomenology and the psychotherapeutic
    approach Daseinsanalyse, coordinated by Profª Ms Ágnes Cristina da Silva Pala.
    In this group, there were three Scientific Initiations in 2016, with lines of
    research created in the Lattes Platform / National Council for Scientific and Technological
    Development (CNPq), using exploratory research, with treatment of qualitative
    data, through bibliographic research. Scientific Initiation was revealed as an
    opportunity to expand knowledge on the themes, in addition to integrating the
    students of the course. This text contains testimonials from participants about
    this experience of knowledge production, revealing the scientific side of an
    undergraduate course: presentation and preparation of reviews and texts;
    participation in Scientific Exhibitions and Extension Week. As a way of
    updating this report, it also presents current considerations of former
    Psychology students about the relevance of research spaces in their
    professional 2016, presents the experience of students of the Undergraduate Course in Psychology at the Salgado de Oliveira University - Campus Niterói, when participating in the creation of the study and research group on Phenomenology and the psychotherapeutic approach Daseinsanalyse, coordinated by Profª Ms Ágnes Cristina da Silva Pala. In this group, there were three Scientific Initiations in 2016, with lines of research created in the Lattes Platform / National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), using exploratory research, with treatment of qualitative data, through bibliographic research. Scientific Initiation was revealed as an opportunity to expand knowledge on the themes, in addition to integrating the students of the course. This text contains testimonials from participants about this experience of knowledge production, revealing the scientific side of an undergraduate course: presentation and preparation of reviews and texts; participation in Scientific Exhibitions and Extension Week. As a way of updating this report, it also presents current considerations of former Psychology students about the relevance of research spaces in their professional lives.
    The report, prepared in 2016, presents the experience of students of the Undergraduate Course in Psychology at the Salgado de Oliveira University - Campus Niterói, when participating in the creation of the study and research group on Phenomenology and the psychotherapeutic approach Daseinsanalyse, coordinated by Profª Ms Ágnes Cristina da Silva Pala. In this group, there were three Scientific Initiations in 2016, with lines of research created in the Lattes Platform / National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), using exploratory research, with treatment of qualitative data, through bibliographic research. Scientific Initiation was revealed as an opportunity to expand knowledge on the themes, in addition to integrating the students of the course. This text contains testimonials from participants about this experience of knowledge production, revealing the scientific side of an undergraduate course: presentation and preparation of reviews and texts; participation in Scientific Exhibitions and Extension Week. As a way of updating this report, it also presents current considerations of former Psychology students about the relevance of research spaces in their professional lives.rt, prepared in 2016, presents the 
    The report, prepared in 2016, presents the experience of students of the Undergraduate Course in Psychology at the Salgado de Oliveira University - Campus Niterói, when participating in the creation of the study and research group on Phenomenology and the psychotherapeutic approach Daseinsanalyse, coordinated by Profª Ms Ágnes Cristina da Silva Pala. In this group, there were three Scientific Initiations in 2016, with lines of research created in the Lattes Platform / National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), using exploratory research, with treatment of qualitative data, through bibliographic research. Scientific Initiation was revealed as an opportunity to expand knowledge on the themes, in addition to integrating the students of the course. This text contains testimonials from participants about this experience of knowledge production, revealing the scientific side of an undergraduate course: presentation and preparation of reviews and texts; participation in Scientific Exhibitions and Extension Week. As a way of updating this report, it also presents current considerations of former Psychology students about the relevance of research spaces in their professional lives.experience of students of the Undergraduate Course in Psychology at the Salgado de Oliveira University - Campus Niterói, when participating in the creation of the study and research group on Phenomenology and the psychotherapeutic approach Daseinsanalyse, coordinated by Profª Ms Ágnes Cristina da Silva Pala. In this group, there were three Scientific Initiations in 2016, with lines of research created in the Lattes Platform / National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), using exploratory research, with treatment of qualitative data, through bibliographic research. Scientific Initiation was revealed as an opportunity to expand knowledge on the themes, in addition to integrating the students of the course. This text contains testimonials from participants about this experience of knowledge production, revealing the scientific side of an undergraduate course: presentation and preparation of reviews and texts; participation in Scientific Exhibitions and Extension Week. As a way of updating this report, it also presents current considerations of former Psychology students about the relevance of research spaces in their professional lives.

  • Número de páginas: 9

  • Nayra Clycia da Costa Muniz Rodrigues
  • Tamiris de Abreu Fonseca Rodrigues
  • Stephany Cecilia da Rocha
  • Ágnes Cristina da Silva Pala
  • Mariana rocha leal garcez
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