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capa do ebook AVALIAÇÃO EM LARGA ESCALA: PROVA BRASIL HISTÓRIA: Características e objetivos


O artigo está focado na avaliação em

larga escala: Prova Brasil. Busca compreender

o que é a Prova Brasil, quando surgiu, fazendo

um breve histórico de quando se insere

historicamente na administração do sistema

educacional brasileiro. E assim, buscando mais

informações sobre a avaliação em larga escala

a ANRESC (Prova Brasil) até os dias atuais.

Mostrando as características em seu processo

avaliativo, a avaliação nacional da educação

escolar se inseriu historicamente no sistema

educacional brasileiro. O qual busca como

objetivo a qualidade da educação brasileira,

eficiência, equidade e produtividade e também

para a universalização do acesso à escola, e

com isso, poder propor ações pedagógicas e

políticas públicas que auxiliem na melhoria da

qualidade da aprendizagem para alcançar as

metas planejadas. Isso será possível pela coleta

de referências da bases da Prova Brasil. A qual

avalia o rendimento em Língua Portuguesa

e em matemática em cada escola do Brasil.

Para compreendermos utilizamos a pesquisa

documental para compor a pesquisa e também

utilizamos revisões bibliográficas referente ao

tema. As contribuições que este estudo nos

revelou foram satisfatórias e ainda, nos aponta

que há necessidade de se planejar melhor as

ações para após a coleta de dados.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5842019034

  • Palavras-chave: Avaliação em larga escala, Prova Brasil, Qualidade.

  • Keywords: This article focused Large-scale evaluation: Prova Brasil. Seeks to understand. What it is Prova Brasil, when it came up, making a brief history of when it is historically inserted in the administration of the Brazilian educational system. And so, looking for more information about large-scale evaluation ANRESC (Prova Brasil) until nowadays. Demostrate the characteristics of its evaluation process, the national evaluation of school education has historically been inserted in the Brazilian system. Which aims for the quality of Brazilian education, efficiency, equity and productivity and also for A Educação como Diálogo Intercultural e sua Relação com as Políticas Públicas Capítulo 4 35 the universalization of access to school, and with this, be able to propose pedagogical actions and public policies that help in improving the quality of learning to achieve the planned goals. This will be possible by collecting references from Prova Brasil bases. Which evaluates the performance in Portuguese Language and Mathematics in each school in Brazil. In order to understand it, we use documentary research to compose the research and we also use bibliographic reviews on the subject. The contrubutions that this study has revealed to us have been satisfactory, and also point out that there is a need to better plan actions after data collection.

  • Abstract:

    This article focused Large-scale

    evaluation: Prova Brasil. Seeks to understand.

    What it is Prova Brasil, when it came up, making

    a brief history of when it is historically inserted

    in the administration of the Brazilian educational

    system. And so, looking for more information

    about large-scale evaluation ANRESC (Prova

    Brasil) until nowadays. Demostrate the

    characteristics of its evaluation process, the

    national evaluation of school education has

    historically been inserted in the Brazilian system.

    Which aims for the quality of Brazilian education,

    efficiency, equity and productivity and also for 

    the universalization of access to school, and with this, be able to propose pedagogical

    actions and public policies that help in improving the quality of learning to achieve the

    planned goals. This will be possible by collecting references from Prova Brasil bases.

    Which evaluates the performance in Portuguese Language and Mathematics in each

    school in Brazil. In order to understand it, we use documentary research to compose

    the research and we also use bibliographic reviews on the subject. The contrubutions

    that this study has revealed to us have been satisfactory, and also point out that there

    is a need to better plan actions after data collection.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Adrian ALvarez Estrada
  • Arcielli Royer Nogueira
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