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Degradation of Sludge Generated in ETEs An integral part of the Sanitation Challenge in Brazil and the Relationship between Sludge Quantity and ETE Efficiency

In a country where sanitation is seen as secondary and/or tertiary to the detriment of other sectors, a flood of health problems proliferates, since the relationship between the improvement of sanitation indicators is intrinsically linked with the improvement of indicators of health, of the most diverse types. This Publication aims to solve one of the problems that are the “Achilles heel” of ETEs, the sludge generated by the Effluent. This sludge goes through an extremely expensive and laborious process for its removal, however after several studies in the literature and field studies, I found the fastest, cheapest and most efficient solution in the treatment with Autochthonous Microorganisms. This article reveals a little of this new old technology that is coming to Brazil, but it has been used for at least a century and a half in eastern countries. Today in Brazil we have the procedure accompanied by technology, all of which becomes a solution.

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Degradation of Sludge Generated in ETEs An integral part of the Sanitation Challenge in Brazil and the Relationship between Sludge Quantity and ETE Efficiency

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173162311052

  • Palavras-chave: Effluent, ETE, Microorganisms, Autochthonous, Sanitation, Challenges

  • Keywords: Effluent, ETE, Microorganisms, Autochthonous, Sanitation, Challenges

  • Abstract:

    In a country where sanitation is seen as secondary and/or tertiary to the detriment of other sectors, a flood of health problems proliferates, since the relationship between the improvement of sanitation indicators is intrinsically linked with the improvement of indicators of health, of the most diverse types. This Publication aims to solve one of the problems that are the “Achilles heel” of ETEs, the sludge generated by the Effluent. This sludge goes through an extremely expensive and laborious process for its removal, however after several studies in the literature and field studies, I found the fastest, cheapest and most efficient solution in the treatment with Autochthonous Microorganisms. This article reveals a little of this new old technology that is coming to Brazil, but it has been used for at least a century and a half in eastern countries. Today in Brazil we have the procedure accompanied by technology, all of which becomes a solution.

  • Luciano Bomfim dos Santos
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